You could find yourself standing in a story, strong, fast, smart, and attractive – with no idea how your character acts. Not just for you and the effort you have put into your character, but for the other members of the role-play group, and most significantly your interaction with other characters. Well, before you get too excited about combat, mind-control and blood drinking – I am here to tell you that these things are important. One of the hardest things for me to grasp with regard to role-play was why you would bother creating a personality and a past for your character? Especially coming from a background of playing the computer game, I saw no use in constructing seemingly unimportant details beyond the standard sheet, such as a full back-story, ethnicity, psychological quirks, manner of speaking and likes and dislikes. It can be hard to imagine what all the little statistics on the page actually mean, and even harder to create and embody a character which needs to become as fleshed out as a highly developed fictional character. For this you will need a character sheet, this sets out the basic constructs for character creation.

The first, and one of the most important, influential and difficult parts of the game is character creation.